Look up Flags in Chinese by Emoji

If you want to find out how to say where you're from in simplified or traditional Chinese, we have a fun way to look it up. Enter the flag emoji from an emoji keyboard from your country (or any country in the world) and we can tell you what the Chinese, pinyin and Unicode for that flag is.

You can see this in simplified or traditional Chinese. Once you have your result you can also study the stroke order.

So for example



法国 (Fǎ​guó) 


If you want to find out how to say where you're from in simplified or traditional Chinese, we have a fun way to look it up. Enter the flag emoji from an emoji keyboard from your country (or any country in the world) and we can tell you what the Chinese, pinyin and Unicode for that flag is.

You can see this in simplified or traditional Chinese. Once you have your result you can also study the stroke order.

So for example



法国 (Fǎ​guó) 


For more instructions, see this video below.

For more instructions, see this video below.

Other pages and resources

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You can type in simplified or traditional Chinese using pinyin in our Chinese IME (Input Method Editor).

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