Chinese astrological year

February 13, 2025, Thu
乙巳年正月初八, 蛇年  Year of the Snake

The Chinese zodiac is based on a twelve-year cycle of the lunar calendar. It assigns an animal and its reputed attributes to each lunar year. In Chinese astrology, the animal signs assigned by year represent how others percieve you. Chinese Zodiac is often compared to western astrological star signs like Aquarius, Aries etc. 

Select your Date of Birth and you’ll be able to see what Chinese astrological animal you are. For example, if you were born in May 1902, you are a Year of the Tiger. As well as Year of the Tiger, it advises what the year is called (so 壬寅 rén yín for 1902). Ren yin identifies it as the 39th year of the 60 year Chinese Astrological cycle. 

The Chinese astrological animals are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig.

Due to the way that things translate from Chinese, sometimes they are called slightly different things (ie Mouse, Sheep instead of Rat, Goat). 

We have lots of resources for learning Chinese as well as New Year Scrolls generators. 


The Chinese zodiac is based on a twelve-year cycle of the lunar calendar. It assigns an animal and its reputed attributes to each lunar year. In Chinese astrology, the animal signs assigned by year represent how others percieve you. Chinese Zodiac is often compared to western astrological star signs like Aquarius, Aries etc. 

Select your Date of Birth and you’ll be able to see what Chinese astrological animal you are. For example, if you were born in May 1902, you are a Year of the Tiger. As well as Year of the Tiger, it advises what the year is called (so 壬寅 rén yín for 1902). Ren yin identifies it as the 39th year of the 60 year Chinese Astrological cycle. 

The Chinese astrological animals are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig.

Due to the way that things translate from Chinese, sometimes they are called slightly different things (ie Mouse, Sheep instead of Rat, Goat). 

We have lots of resources for learning Chinese as well as New Year Scrolls generators. 


For more instructions, see this video below.

For more instructions, see this video below.

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