Chinese character count tool



Chinese characters:   0
Number of letters:   0
Total:   0

If you want to know how many Chinese characters are in a Chinese text, this handy resource can help you out. Just enter the text and it will give you the character count in Chinese. This can be useful for making sure your texts meet certain requirements, such as when submitting them for translation or printing. Give it a try!

This web app can be used to count the number of latin alphabet letters are in a Chinese text. This is useful for finding out how much of the text is in another language, and how much is in Chinese. Simply enter the text into the box to get started.


If you want to know how many Chinese characters are in a Chinese text, this handy resource can help you out. Just enter the text and it will give you the character count in Chinese. This can be useful for making sure your texts meet certain requirements, such as when submitting them for translation or printing. Give it a try!

This web app can be used to count the number of latin alphabet letters are in a Chinese text. This is useful for finding out how much of the text is in another language, and how much is in Chinese. Simply enter the text into the box to get started.


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