Find your Chinese name

How to find your Chinese name?

Use this converter to find out your Chinese name! Put your name into the box and then press search and you'll be able to see your Chinese name. You can even have find out how your name is pronounced in Chinese, each character will be highlighted as it pronounced.

This site has thousands of Chinese names. For some names there are several Chinese name variants.

Some of the Chinese names also have the pinyin next to them (i.e. how you pronounce the name).

You also have the option to create a picture with your Chinese name or copy your Chinese name to use on Facebook, Twitter and other social media websites. Now you can find your own Chinese name!


Use this converter to find out your Chinese name! Put your name into the box and then press search and you'll be able to see your Chinese name. You can even have find out how your name is pronounced in Chinese, each character will be highlighted as it pronounced.

This site has thousands of Chinese names. For some names there are several Chinese name variants.

Some of the Chinese names also have the pinyin next to them (i.e. how you pronounce the name).

You also have the option to create a picture with your Chinese name or copy your Chinese name to use on Facebook, Twitter and other social media websites. Now you can find your own Chinese name!


For more instructions, see this video below.

For more instructions, see this video below.

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